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Tokyo Station

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October 2012 saw completion of the preservation and restoration work on the Tokyo Station Marunouchi Building. The red brick facade long loved as the symbol of Tokyo Station has made a comeback, along with the history and grandeur of the original building dating nearly a hundred years back. The occasion also saw the reopening of Tokyo Station Hotel and Tokyo Station Gallery. The former is the hotel situated within an important cultural property of Japan. The interior is designed in a sophisticated, classical European style to blend with the splendor of the Marunouchi Building exterior.

View scenic routes that include this spot

Travelling Tokyo ⇔ Tohoku Using Unlimited Rides Passes and Stopping Over Along the Way SEASIDE BEAUTY PICTURE & SHARE PROSPERITY STILLNESS & MOTION MIRAI & SAMURAI Enjoy everything from the latest tourist spots and Edo culture of Tokyo to the scenery and traditions of Tohoku FORGED HISTORY RELAX & MINGLE SAVOR THE FLAVOR WHITE & PINK HAVE REAL × IMAGINATION ACTIVE REST FEEL THE TRADITION THROUGH FIVE SENSES STONE & WATER HISTORY IN CITY

More Information about Tokyo Station

Street address

1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku



  • Get off at Tokyo Station on the Shinkansen, JR Yamanote Line, etc.


  • Get off at Tokyo Station on the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line

Opening Hours





Best season

All year


update: Feb.26.2025

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